Mask II (2002) Ron Mueck
A girl (2006) Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck has become internationally recognised for his unique sculptures, which replicate the human figure with unrivalled technical skill. His work has a powerful psychological range, focusing not only on universal experiences like birth, life and death but on emotional states such as isolation, fear and tenderness. His startling manipulations of scale are key to our experience of each work.
Mueck's work showed at the Christchurch Art Gallery from the end of 2010 through to January 2011. Research Mueck's sculpture in order to answer the following questions;
1. Mueck's sculpture is described as 'hyper-real'. Define the meaning of this term and apply it to his work.
A:Hyper-real means: involving or characterized by particularly realistic graphic representation(The Free Dictionary). Ron Mueck is known for making hyper-real sculptures that makes you feel his works are real. And one of his work named Dead Dad is a hyper-realistic work, because the sculpture is his real father.
2. Mueck is not interested in making life size sculpture. Find out why he is more interested
in working with the scale of the figure which is not life size, and mention 2 works which use
scale that is either larger or smaller than life.
A: Mueck is not interest in making life size scuplture because he think the life-size figures are never seemed to be interesting, and he said, we meet life-size people every day.(SunSeven, Awesome Sculptures of Ron Mueck!)
Ron Mueck (Australian, b. 1958). In Bed, 2005. Mixed media, 63 3/4 x 255 7/8 x 155 1/2 in. (161.9 x 649.9 x 395 cm). Private Collection
Ron Mueck (Australian, b. 1958). Two Women, 2005. Mixed media, 33 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 15 in. (85.1 x 47.9 x 38.1 cm). Glenn Fuhrman Collection, New York
3. Define Renaissance Humanism , and analyze the term in order to apply it to an example of Mueck's work. Note that the contemporary definition of Humanism is much broader than the Renaissance definition.
A:Renaissance humanism was an activity of cultural and educational reform engaged by scholars, writers, and civic leaders who are today known as humanists(Nicholas Mann, The Origins of Humanism). The projects are all about the human, who may around him.
4. Research and discuss one of Mueck's sculptures that you might find challenging or exciting to experience in an art gallery. Describe the work, upload an image of the work, and explain your personal response to the work. Comment on other student blogs to develop the discussion around the variety of our own personal and individual responses to art and design.
Mother and Child (detail), 2001.
Ron Mueck. Courtesy of Anthony d'Offay, London
A: This is a sculpture about the baby is born, people can see the sweat hear and the wet baby. Its shows clearly the baby is just be born, and the umbilical cord has not been cut yet. To see the mother's face, we can easly find that she is tired after gave a birth to a chlild. I can feel the miracle of the life, and how greatness mothers are!
Reference websites and books used at the end of your blog.
Reference List:
The Free Dictionary,
SunSeven, Awesome Sculptures Of Ron Mueck!
In Bed & Two Women
Nicholas Mann, 1996, The Origins of Humanism , Cambridge University Press, UK
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