Post-Modernism, Ai Weiwei and Banksy
This week's ALVC tutorial covers Post-Modernism. Use the ALVC texts and definitions from the internet to define the term and answer the following questions;
1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.
1.One of the main characteristics of postmodern thinking is that the world is seen as a much more complex and uncertain place. Reality is no longer fixed or determined. All truth within a postmodern context is relative to one's viewpoint or stance. The world is a representation. (Essortment, 2011)
2.Postmodernism rejects all boundaries. This rejection also includes the boundaries between different forms and genres of art. The art development of bricolage and pastiche are examples of this. (Essortment, 2011)
3.The postmodern focuses on a de-structured, de-centered humanity. What this really means is that the idea of disorder and fragmentation, which were previously seen as negative qualities, are seen as an acceptable representation of reality by postmodernists.(Essortment, 2011)
4.Postmodern thought is, in its very essence, an adventure and an expression of life experience. (Essortment, 2011)
5.Postmodernism puts everything into question and radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and world views. (Essortment, 2011)
6.Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and especially not to take other people's views as the final truth. (Essortment, 2011)
7. Postmodernism was a movement in architecture that rejected the modernist, avant garde, passion for the new.(Defining Postmodernism)
8.A rejection of the sovereign autonomous individual with an emphasis upon anarchic collective, anonymous experience. Collage, diversity, the mystically unrepresentable, Dionysian passion are the foci of attention.(Defining Postmodernism)
9.Most importantly we see the dissolution of distinctions, the merging of subject and object, self and other. This is a sarcastic playful parody of western modernity and the "John Wayne" individual and a radical, anarchist rejection of all attempts to define, reify or re-present the human subject. (Defining Postmodernism)
10.Postmodernism refers to a distinct shift in the way that humanistic intellectuals view the relation of their cultural work to society at large.(McGowan J., 1991)
2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
A: The post-modern artist is "reflexive" in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, "demasking" pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history, and accelerating the process of sef- consciousness.(Witcombe,C. 2000)
A: Post-Modernity includes social and cultural pluralism, not only mixed the culture and unclearbases for social, national and ethnicunity, but also mixing of "high" or "low" categories. Some artists pay more attention to play of surfaces without concern for "Depth" reather then modernity. Visual media becomes real, and some images and texts becomes hyper-reality. During that time, artist begin to remake some old works, some of their works could be found an original one in the history. Irony is also included in the post-modernity.
A: First of all, Ai weiwei mixed a Han dynasty Um and Coca-Cola logo together, the Um is a historical product in China, however, the coca-cola logo could see every where in our daily life, and the logo comes from western country, the two things are in the different culture and different nation. As a result, the work could become social and cultural pluralism and recombinant culture.
In my opinion, the Um could also become culture adapting to simulation. Also the intertextuality could define the work, because the Um can be found in the history, and Coca-Cola logo can be found on the cola bottle. After that, Ai Weiwei mix them their together, the work become Hybridity.
As the answers of the question three defines postmodernism as many points, and the answer for this question are all included by the points. As a result, Ai Weiwei's Um with coca-cola logo belongs to Post-Modernism.
A: First of all, the name of the drawing "Los Angeles" is a place's name of American, however, the person in the image is a ape-man who is taking fast food in one hand, and a bone in his another hand. As a result, the work become disunity and hybridity.
As a result, this painting can be defineed at postmodernism.
Reference List:
This week's ALVC tutorial covers Post-Modernism. Use the ALVC texts and definitions from the internet to define the term and answer the following questions;
1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.
1.One of the main characteristics of postmodern thinking is that the world is seen as a much more complex and uncertain place. Reality is no longer fixed or determined. All truth within a postmodern context is relative to one's viewpoint or stance. The world is a representation. (Essortment, 2011)
2.Postmodernism rejects all boundaries. This rejection also includes the boundaries between different forms and genres of art. The art development of bricolage and pastiche are examples of this. (Essortment, 2011)
3.The postmodern focuses on a de-structured, de-centered humanity. What this really means is that the idea of disorder and fragmentation, which were previously seen as negative qualities, are seen as an acceptable representation of reality by postmodernists.(Essortment, 2011)
4.Postmodern thought is, in its very essence, an adventure and an expression of life experience. (Essortment, 2011)
5.Postmodernism puts everything into question and radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and world views. (Essortment, 2011)
6.Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and especially not to take other people's views as the final truth. (Essortment, 2011)
7. Postmodernism was a movement in architecture that rejected the modernist, avant garde, passion for the new.(Defining Postmodernism)
8.A rejection of the sovereign autonomous individual with an emphasis upon anarchic collective, anonymous experience. Collage, diversity, the mystically unrepresentable, Dionysian passion are the foci of attention.(Defining Postmodernism)
9.Most importantly we see the dissolution of distinctions, the merging of subject and object, self and other. This is a sarcastic playful parody of western modernity and the "John Wayne" individual and a radical, anarchist rejection of all attempts to define, reify or re-present the human subject. (Defining Postmodernism)
10.Postmodernism refers to a distinct shift in the way that humanistic intellectuals view the relation of their cultural work to society at large.(McGowan J., 1991)
2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
A: The post-modern artist is "reflexive" in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, "demasking" pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history, and accelerating the process of sef- consciousness.(Witcombe,C. 2000)
3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-
A: Post-Modernity includes social and cultural pluralism, not only mixed the culture and unclearbases for social, national and ethnicunity, but also mixing of "high" or "low" categories. Some artists pay more attention to play of surfaces without concern for "Depth" reather then modernity. Visual media becomes real, and some images and texts becomes hyper-reality. During that time, artist begin to remake some old works, some of their works could be found an original one in the history. Irony is also included in the post-modernity.
4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions.
5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.
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'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994), Ai Weiwei |
In my opinion, the Um could also become culture adapting to simulation. Also the intertextuality could define the work, because the Um can be found in the history, and Coca-Cola logo can be found on the cola bottle. After that, Ai Weiwei mix them their together, the work become Hybridity.
As the answers of the question three defines postmodernism as many points, and the answer for this question are all included by the points. As a result, Ai Weiwei's Um with coca-cola logo belongs to Post-Modernism.
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Ai Weiwei dropping a Han Dynast Urn. |
6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist
to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern.(Use your list from point 6.)
to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern.(Use your list from point 6.)
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'Flower Riot', Banksy |
A: Banksy used two different drawing skills, the flower looks like an oil painting, and the person who throwing the flower becomes pop art. Same as Ai weiwei's work, this Flower Riot discribe the social and cultural pluralism and Hybridity.
Hybrid cultural forms cancel "high"/"low" categories.Flower could become high culture and the person wears the hat in that way and wear the informal clothes.
As a result, Banksy's Flower Riot become postmodernism.
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Los Angeles (2008), Banksy |
As a result, this painting can be defineed at postmodernism.
Reference List:
1.Essortment, What Is The Definition Of Postmodernism? Postmodernism
3.McGowan J., 1991, Toward a Definition of Postmodernism. Postmodernism and its critics. Cornel University. NY.
4. Witcombe, C (2000) Modernism& Postmodernism. Retrieved 29 January, 2004 From
4. Witcombe, C (2000) Modernism& Postmodernism. Retrieved 29 January, 2004 From
I gained more understanding of postmodernism from you defintion. Which is very clear and supportful your answers. Your opinion for question 5,It become culture adapting to simulation. Also the intertextuality could define the work, i agree with how you think that it becomes to a culture adpatin to simulation. Beacause the influece from the artist is very important part of the postmodernist.